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Skyroots is India’s leading brand, selling high-quality, ready to make millet products. Here, we don’t just believe in running a business, but are committed to raising awareness about the benefits of different millets and increasing its consumption among people.

Know your home-grown superfood: millets series, is our way of educating the audience about some of the commonly grown millets in India and their health benefits. We are sharing in-depth information about different millets (including health benefits, recipes etc.) in this series.

In the first post in the series, we have talked about Ragi or Finger millet and now, in this post, we are focusing on pearl millet or bajara?

What is Bajara or pearl millet?
Bajara or pearl millet is scientifically known as Pennisetum glaucum. It is native to Africa and has been cultivated as a major crop in Africa and the Indian subcontinent since ancient times. Apart from human consumption, bajara is also popular as cattle feed. Since the declaration of 2023 as the “International year of Millet”, pearl millet or Bajara has made a powerful comeback and gained immense popularity globally.

Plant Description
Pearl millet is a warm-season crop. The pearl millet plant has an upright stem and deep root system. The deep roots make it resilient to drought and dry weather conditions. The plant also boasts of large kernels that come in white, yellow, or purple hues. The plan can grow up to 13 ft in height and supports a pointed leaf-bladed system.

Pearl millet or Bajara can thrive well in warm and dry conditions. It has an exceptional capacity to grow in less fertile soil (with low PH), low moisture and high-temperature conditions. The natural resistance to drought makes it a valuable crop for regions with challenging climates. It grows widely in countries like Africa, China, India, and Russia. In India, Rajasthan is the largest producer of Bajara. The Rajasthani cuisine embraces various delectable bajra recipes, such as Bajre ki Raab, Bajre ki khichdi, and Bajare ki Khatti rabdi.

Different Names of Pearl millet or Bajara in Different Languages
Pearl millet is referred to by different names in various Indian languages. It is called Bajra in Hindi, Bajri In Gujarati and Marathi, and kambu in Tamil. In Telugu, it is called Sajjalu and in Karnataka, it is well-known as Sajje. In Oriya, it is known as Gathia or Katreng and called kambam in Malayalam.

Health Benefits of Pearl millet
The consumption of pearl millet comes with a myriad of health benefits.
1. It is a high source of protein and healthy fats. 100 gm of pearl millet provides 12 gm of protein and 5 gm of fat.
2. Pearl millet is known for its phosphorus (242mg/100gm) and iron content (8 mg/100g) as well which helps promote bone health and may help in increasing hemoglobin content.
3. Regular consumption of pearl millet can contribute to better digestion, improved heart health, and lowered blood cholesterol levels.
Moreover, Pearl millet or Bajara is a great grain for diabetic patients. Research shows it contains phenolic compounds which exhibit anti-diabetic activity and reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Moreover, being gluten-free, it is a good choice of grain for people with gluten allergy and celiac disease.

If you are interested in learning the health benefits of pearl millet in more detail, read the post pearl millet: An iron-rich grain for a healthier heart and lower cholesterol.

Nutritional value of Pearl millet
As per nutritional profile, 100 gm of pearl millet provides 360 calories, 12 gm protein, 1 gm fiber, 67 gm of carbohydrate, 5 gm fat, 42 mg of calcium and 8 gm of iron.

Bajara or pearl millet Recipes
You can make various amazing recipes by using pearl millet or Bajara. Apart from routine Bajara roti and Bajara khichdi, you can use Bajara for breakfast too. For making a healthy and quick breakfast, you can use Skyroot’s Bajara flakes and can prepare a wholesome breakfast by adding milk and organic jaggery powder. Read this post to learn the detailed recipe for Bajara flakes with milk and jaggery

In conclusion, pearl millet or Bajara is a versatile variety of millet that offers a myriad of benefits. If you are looking to buy high-quality millet-based products such as millet snacks ( millet wafer biscuits, millet flakes chivda), millet idli mixes, millet tea or multi-millet dosa mix, then visit our website and read our blogs for authentic information.