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Mumma, I want only potatoes in my lunch box.

Mumma, I don’t like green things in my food.

Mumma, no more carrots. Only cheese, please.

Sounds familiar, right?

Picky eating behavior is a common occurrence in growing kids and affects a large number of kids worldwide.

As per recent research, about 2/3 of parents reported one or more problems related to eating with their children. Research confirms that 58.9% of kids have shown picky eating behaviors which are affecting their growth (height and weight) and overall development.

 While this behavior is typical, it can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating experience for parents who want to feed their kids healthy and nutritious meals but have limited food choices due to their picky eating habits.

If you are dealing with this dilemma, don’t worry, we are here to help with this post.

In this post, we are sharing six creative and easy-to-prepare healthy snack recipes for your picky eaters.

Keep reading to know more.

Health Bars (fruits and nut bar, whole grain bar)

Health bars (such as fruit and nut bars or whole grain bars) are an excellent option for picky eaters. These bars are packed with essential nutrients and provide a quick energy boost. You can easily make them at home with a variety of ingredients like oats, honey, dried fruits, and nuts. They are portable and can be customized according to your child’s taste preferences.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables with Interesting Dips

Most picky eaters do not like to eat plain raw fruits and vegetables. Thus, it is recommended to make them appealing by keeping a creative approach.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Creative Shapes: you can use cookie cutters or other tools to cut fruits and vegetables into attractive shapes.
  • Arrange them creatively:  you can arrange your child’s choice of fruits on a skewer as a fruit kebab or create interesting patterns like a banana boat or ants on a log (by using celery stick, cranberry and peanut butter) to encourage your picky eater to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Kid-Friendly Dips:  you can also serve fruits and vegetables with interesting and kid-friendly dips like peanut butter, hummus, yogurt dips or a simple honey dip to make an appealing combination.

Moreover, you can also use dried fruit snacks like dry fruit mixed chips and vegetable chips to add a variety to your child’s healthy snack routine.


Yogurt is another healthy snack option that is both nutritious and versatile. You can prepare yogurt parfaits by layering yogurt with fresh fruits, granola, and a drizzle of honey.  As another fun option, you can prepare frozen yogurt bites. To make it, simply scoop yogurt into small silicone molds and add some fresh fruit pieces, and freeze them. These make for a delicious and healthy treat that kids will love.

Fruit Popsicles

Fruit popsicles can be a fun addition to your snack options. They are easy to make and can be a great way for kids to get involved in the kitchen. Blend your child’s favorite fruits with a bit of water or juice, pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze. Kids can make various interesting versions by using different fruits of their choice. These popsicles are not only refreshing but also a great way to sneak in some extra fruit.

Millet-Based Snacks

Millet is a highly nutritious and versatile whole grain that can be used to prepare various interesting healthy snacks. Here are some ideas:

  • Millet Tikki or Cutlet: These savory patties are made with cooked millet, vegetables, and spices of your choice. Shallow-fry to crispy perfection. They are a great way to include more vegetables and whole grains in your child’s diet.
  • Millet Muffins: As the next option, you can prepare sweet or savory muffins made with millet flour. You can add fruits, nuts, or vegetables to the batter to enhance its nutritional value and flavor.
  • Millet Energy Balls: you can also prepare bite-sized snacks made with millet, nuts, seeds and dried fruits. These are easy to make and can be stored for several days, making them a convenient snack option.

Nut Butter and Whole Grain Crackers

Last but not the least, you can serve whole grain crackers with nut butter as a snack for your picky eater. Nut butters are rich in healthy fats and protein, while whole grain crackers offer fiber and essential nutrients. This combination is both delicious and satisfying, making it a great snack for any time of the day.


At Skyroot, we understand the challenges of dealing with picky eaters. That’s why we offer a variety of interesting readymade  millet-based healthy snacks such as millet wafer biscuits orange ,millet wafer biscuits vanilla as millet wafer biscuits strawberrymillet wafer biscuits chocolate , millet bar cranberry,  Our products are high in quality and highly affordable. We are proud to be a clean label and ensure nutrition in every bite.

Visit our website to know more about our range of nutritious snacks such as roasted chana turmeric salted chickpeasroasted chana salted chickpeasroasted chana masala chickpeas, that can help you ensure your child gets the nutrition they need without compromising on taste.